Find The Cog Tags within Fortnite Chapter 3: Fortnite and Gears of War have collaborated to introduce players’ challenges and rewards, as well as quests and the inclusion of Kait and Marcus at the store.
So that One of the challenges of Chapter 3’s debut season in Fortnite is to gather 3 COG tags to complete The Delta-One quest.
COG Tag is a badge worn by players in Gear of War.
Here’s a complete list of COG tag locations on maps.
The COG tag is ten that are located all over Fortnite.
As a result this is a guide to every tag’s location in Fortnite.
Tags within Fortnite Chapter 3
- Camp Cuddle location Search east for a fire pit on the tiny island.
- The Joneses Find the gardening area by heading to the northwest of Joneses.
- The Rocky Reels The direction is toward the southwest until you can spot the naturally-formed arch. You will find the COG tag close to the Cactus.
- Greasy Grove: Find Greasy Grove to the southern part of Greasy
Grove to locate an apartment close to The Turbine site, which is where you’ll discover the label.
- Sanctuary Tags for COG will be in the small lake to the east end of Sanctuary.
- Logjam Lumberyard: Go north and search for COG tags on the snowfield.
- Shifty Sands: Find the COG tag by going north from the Shifty Sands in front of an unmarked pile of rocks close to the wooden shack. You will also see the other under the red bridge west in Shift Sands.
- Daily Bugle: There are 2 COG tags within the Daily Bugle location. One of them is located in the alleyway just to the left that leads to McGuffins café. And the other is located at the southwest ruin.
- When they have collected 3 COG tags, players will earn 10,000 XP and will be able to unlock the next Delta-one challenge.
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