The Rajya Sabha Secretariat has once again reaffirmed the ethical code of conduct that applies to the members of the House of Representatives in advance of the Monsoon Session of Parliament, which is set to commence on Monday.
“Members are advised that the Code of Conduct for Members listed in the Committee on Ethics’ First Report, which the Council also adopted, was taken into consideration by the Committee on Ethics in its Fourth Report, which was presented to the Council on March 14, 2005, and adopted by it on April 20, 2005. The Committee approved the Code because it thought it was quite thorough. On the eve of each Session, it was suggested that the Code of Conduct be published in Bulletin Part II for the Members’ knowledge and compliance “read a message to the Rajya Sabha.
According to the code of conduct, “Members of the Rajya Sabha should be aware of their obligation to uphold the confidence placed in them by the public and should faithfully carry out their duties for the benefit of all citizens. They need to value the Constitution, the Law, Parliamentary Institutions, and most importantly, the People. They need to work tirelessly to make the goals outlined in the Preamble of the Constitution a reality.”
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The members have been instructed to refrain from acting in a way that undermines the legitimacy of the Parliament. They must use their influence as lawmakers to improve the welfare of the populace. Members should settle conflicts in their interactions such that their private interests are put below the responsibilities of their public position. This is especially important if they discover a contradiction between their interests and the public trust they hold.
The members should constantly make sure that their financial interests and those of their immediate family don’t clash with the public interest. If they do, they should endeavor to find a solution to settle it so that the public interest isn’t jeopardized.
A member should never expect or accept a fee, remuneration, or benefit for casting a vote on the floor of the House, for introducing a Bill, for moving a resolution or forgoing the move, for asking a question, or for refraining from asking one, or for participating in a Parliamentary Committee’s or the House’s deliberations.
They have been urged not to accept any gifts that would impede their ability to do their official responsibilities in an honest and unbiased manner. However, it said, “They may accept incidental presents or cheap mementos and traditional hospitality.”
Members of the public who hold office should utilize resources in a way that may benefit the general welfare.
“Members should refrain from disclosing any secret information they may have access to as a result of their roles as legislators or committee members to further their interests. Members should refrain from awarding awards to people or organizations they don’t personally know or that aren’t supported by facts “It was an ad.
The Secretariat of the Rajya Sabha urged the Members not to endorse any cause they know little or nothing about immediately. They must not abuse the services and conveniences provided to them.
It continued, “Members should not insult any faith and job.”
Some members have behaved aggressively during recent sessions of the Rajya Sabha, and in several instances, members have been suspended for misbehaving against the security personnel.
In reality, 12 opposition lawmakers were suspended from the House for the duration of the Budget Session for attempting to physically hurt members of the House security team and for frightening the chair.