Midstate Health Experts Highlight the Importance of Diabetes Screening.
HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) – An estimated 67,000 people have been diagnosed with diabetes annually in Pennsylvania, and health experts stress the importance of diabetes screenings.
This can also help younger generations to practice a healthy lifestyle.
The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends that people get screened for diabetes at the age of 35.
However, if the numbers continue to rise, the reference age for screening maybe even younger.
UPMC medical experts say that 20% of people with diabetes have no idea.
“There are absolutely no symptoms, so if you don’t go to the doctor and check it out, you won’t know,” said Dr. Renu Joshi.
However, diabetes screenings can help combat serious health complications, such as heart disease, stroke, blindness, and amputations.
There are many factors that can cause diabetes, such as obesity, which doctors say is increasing in younger people.
“Obesity causes insulin resistance, which means your body doesn’t use insulin properly and that happens with obesity and then you don’t use insulin properly and your blood sugar starts to go up,” said Dr. Renu Joshi.
“Things like getting enough sleep, how much sugar is in the sweet drinks we drink, how often we eat fast food,” Stefanski said.
Midstate mother and dietitian Julie Stefanski says parents have the ability to give their children healthier foods.
“And parents just need to offer those things, it’s a kid’s job to decide to eat them, but kids need to be exposed to those foods to really know what they are and be willing to eat them,” Stefanski said.
Stefanski says that focusing on positive behaviors can help you lead an active and healthy lifestyle.
“We have taste buds for a reason, so it’s okay to enjoy healthy food, but you know it’s important to try to get people out and maybe play a game before lunch or go for a walk, there are many other activities you can do. it doesn’t involve eating, ”Stefanski said.
Families are encouraged to have healthier items on the table as the holidays approach.

Eric is a professional news editor, writer, and blogger for the last 10 years. He is working with NewsGater as an off-beat news editor cum writer.