During its greatest drought on record China’s rivers are drying up: China has been dealing with its worst heatwave for more than 60 years for more than two months. The country’s electricity and water supply have damage by the extreme heat and drought. Which has also fueled worries of a catastrophic economic slump.
People may be seen in this photograph sitting in a little pool of water on the riverbed of the Jialing River, a tributary of the Yangtze, in the Chongqing Municipality in southwest China.
At least 165 towns and counties nationwide received a red alert heat warning on Tuesday morning. The highest level in the nation’s four-tier warning system.
This photo shows broken dry mud in a community reservoir almost completely depleted when a retaining wall in Longquan village, in the Chongqing Municipality in southwest China, began to leak. The leak worsened by the hot weather and drought conditions.
Following many weeks of extreme heat in places like Shanghai, the Yangtze Delta. And the southwest Chinese province of Sichuan, the government issued its first official drought notice last week. A total of 2.2 million hectares of agricultural land in Sichuan, Chongqing, Hebei, Hunan, Anhui, and Jiangxi have impacted.
People may see floating on the Yangtze River next to columns supporting a bridge and displaying past water levels in Chongqing.
The drought has negatively hampered shipping. China’s main waterway is the Yangtze, the third-largest river in the world.
Additionally, it supplies water to 400 million Chinese citizens. However, water levels have reached historic lows this summer. Endangering the global supply chain and reducing water access for millions of Chinese citizens.
Luoxingdun Island may see in the dry lake bed of Poyang Lake, the biggest freshwater lake in China. This aerial view taken on August 17, 2022, and provided by China’s Xinhua News Agency.
Authorities are trying to cause rain in drought-stricken areas of southwest and central China, notably Hubei, by using a technique known as “cloud seedings,” in which rockets send chemicals into the atmosphere. Authorities have had difficulties using this strategy in locations without clouds, however.