Find Pete in Wacky Wizards on Roblox

Find Pete in Wacky Wizards on Roblox: In Wacky Wizards, the many components might include anything from a pool noodle to a terrifying ghost. However, you’ll need to see Pete get the Legacy Components if you wish to use these ingredients to make a great potion.

In this intriguing Roblox game, we’ll tell you where to locate him and what he offers.

Where to Find Pete in Roblox’s Wacky Wizards

Pete is in the middle of all the brewing stations since he is the guardian of erratic Legacy Ingredients. Therefore, you must leave your crafting station and go along the route to a cannon.

As depicted above, Pete should positioned on a higher level, surrounded by a row of purple crates:

Finding Pete in Wacky Wizards on Roblox

Press “E” to engage with Pete after you’re near enough to ask him questions about the ideas in Roblox‘s Wacky Wizards.

For instance, if you choose “What happened to all the old ingredients?” he will explain how the game’s original components have been replaced with Legacy versions since the collection inventory was too extensive.

Finding Pete in Wacky Wizards on Roblox

After you’ve finished your questioning, you may click on the purple boxes to obtain a legacy ingredient. A particular item that players can add to their potion that chose at random.

Additionally, you can’t find these parts on the map. Thus, you only have to wait for future upgrades or buy them via a gem exchange.

You must give Pete 300 gems to purchase a Legacy Ingredient. But be aware that you may only carry out this particular action once every eight hours.

That is all there is to know about Pete’s location in Wacky Wizards. You may see our instructions on how to get the Pirate Hat if you interested in further information for this specific game.

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