Halo weapons in Destiny 2: Before becoming the creators of Destiny 2, Bungie was the creators of the Halo series.
It was in 2007 that they surrendered their intellectual rights to Microsoft. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of their company, Bungie has introduced a range of brand new guns by offering a fitting resemblance and homages to the iconic Halo guns.
These guns are available with the no-cost update, and players do not need to purchase Bungie’s 30th-anniversary pack. Instead, here’s our step-by-step guide for finding Halo weaponry within Destiny 2.
To get Halo weapons, you’ll be required to participate in the game Dares of Eternity.
What exactly is Dares of Eternity? It is a six-player game activity hosted by Xur and hosted by Starhorse.
When you finish the challenge, you’ll be given valuable keys. The game begins with spinning a wheel. It ends by battling Zydron, one of Zydron and Crota. It is based upon RNG.
Once you have completed the event, take the following steps to get an additional weapon in the 30th-anniversary update:
- Visit Xur’s treasure trove.
- Interact with the white chest at the bottom of the Xur’s platform.
- Utilize the secret key to unlock it.
- The use of one treasure key will provide you with a specific weapon included at the 30th anniversary.
If you’re looking for the latest weapons during the event’s 30th-anniversary celebration, you can build treasure keys by repeating the event. However, the result may differ from the outcome depending on the RNG.
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What are Halo weapons available to receive when you play Destiny 2?
- Visit Xur’s treasure trove.
- Interact with an empty chest at the bottom of the Xur’s platform.
- Make use of the secret key to open the.
- A single treasure key can provide you with a weapon on your 30th anniversary.
If you’re looking for the latest weapons during the event’s 30th-anniversary celebration, you can build treasure keys by repeating the event.
However, the result may not be the same as the outcome depends on the RNG.
What are Halo weapons available to receive when you play Destiny 2?
When Bungie dropped Halo’s intellectual property rights to Microsoft, they had to alter their logos and names.
Here’s the complete list of new Halo weapons and their striking resemblance to their previous counterparts:
- Forerunner Exotic Armour likes Magnum in Halo Combat Evolved.
- BR-55 Battler Pulse Rifle resembling Battle rifle in Halo 2.
- Retraced path Trace Rifle similar to Halo’s Focus rifle.
- Half-Truth and Legendary Other-Half Swords inspired by Energy sword.
This is the conclusion of this guide on How to locate Halo weaponry in Destiny 2