Mysterious naked man or men reported multiple times in Lancaster

Mysterious naked man or men reported multiple times in Lancaster.

LANCASTER, Pennsylvania (WHTM) – Not far from Franklin and Marshall College, something unusual has been happening.

“I can tell you that many students have seen it. If you stand in our dining room, just ask and say the naked man and I bet 30 students will come up to you, ”said Hope Petralia, a college student from Lancaster.

Indeed, they did. abc27 went to try and see what people have seen or heard.

“It’s weird that it’s not just a one-time thing I’ve done,” said Drew Snyder, a college student in Lancaster.

According to Lancaster Police, it has been reported at least five times, in three different areas around Lancaster. Now, they say there could be several suspects. The first incident occurred on October 6 and the last week.

“Nobody is scared, just a little confused, and wants me to put on a jacket,” Petralia said.

And many wonder why it is taking so long.

“I don’t know why it is so difficult to find out who he is. Lancaster has the highest surveillance of any city in the country, ”Snyder said.

Lancaster police are sharing photos posted on Crimewatch of a man they believe is a person of interest, and they are working closely with Franklin and Marshall to get to the bottom of the situation.