Pokémon Go, Niantic’s super popular mobile augmented reality game, has grossed a lifetime collection of $ 3.6 billion (approximately Rs. 26,940.7 crores) since its release on July 6, 2016, according to the intelligence firm. Sensor Tower mobile phone. The game pushes players to go out and search for virtual Pokémon in their surroundings. However, during coronavirus-induced crashes worldwide, Niantic modified the game’s mechanics in April so that players can have similar fun indoors. This turned out to be particularly beneficial to the brand, as the game showed collections of $ 445 million (approximately Rs. 3,330.5 crores) in the first half of 2020.
According to the intelligence of the store Dear from Sensor Tower, Pokémon Go faced stiff competition from Square Enix’s Dragon Quest Walk mobile game, which grossed a total of $ 540 million (roughly Rs. 4,041.8 crores) since its launch in September 2019. By comparison, Ludia’s Jurassic World Alive raised $ 76.5 million (approximately Rs. 572.5 crores) in over two years. Tencent’s Let’s Hunt Monsters released a lifetime collection of nearly $ 70 million (roughly Rs. 523.8 crores) since its launch in April 2019 from iOS alone.
To date, Pokémon Go has seen a total of 576.7 million downloads. Of these, 105.2 million were viewed in the US, where the game is most popular. Brazil ranks second with almost 63 million downloads, followed by Mexico with 36 million.
Most of the Pokemon Go collection came from the Google Play Store, accounting for 53.6 percent of total player spending. With over 450 million downloads, Google Play represents 78.3 percent of the game’s total global downloads.
When strict blockades were imposed due to the global pandemic, location-based world exploration games were expected to take a hit during the period. However, in April, Pokémon Go introduced several updates that caused the game to be played indoors. It introduced the Remote Raid Pass, which allowed up to 20 players to participate in Raid Battles by going to the nearby game screen. To purchase a pass for it, players must spend 100 PokéCoins in-game, which can be purchased for $ 0.99 (approximately Rs.75).
She is a freelance blogger, writer, and speaker, and writes for various entertainment magazines.