Giving birth is one of the most magical things a person can do. However, when a birth goes wrong, it can lead to severe injuries (both for the parent and the child). Thankfully, professionals work hard to prevent any injuries from happening. However, when an injury occurs, you must know what steps to take. With this in mind, here are the legal facts behind protecting yourself from common birthplace injuries in 2023:

Understanding Birth Injuries

The expecting mother may take childbirth classes, design a cozy nursery for welcoming the new baby home, and read about the many stages of labor as part of her preparation for giving birth in the US. While many expectant mothers worry about giving birth, especially if it’s their first kid, the majority don’t anticipate anything major to go wrong. But occasionally, mishaps do occur, and the infant experiences orthopedic birth damage. These injuries might frequently have been avoided with careful fetal monitoring and care both during labor and after delivery.

Common Types of Birth Injuries

Birth injuries happen even in the most professional and well-meaning delivery rooms. However, you may be entitled to financial compensation if an injury happens due to negligence. Some particularly common birth injuries have been associated with negligent delivery room behavior:

Placental Abruption

Unfortunately, placental abruption injuries cannot always be prevented and can occur suddenly. Doctors must, however, give moms sound medical advice if there are any risk factors present. More than that, medical professionals are required to identify placental abruptions as soon as the signs and symptoms appear. If the abruption is not treated right away, severe vaginal bleeding may result. Placental abruption can, in extreme circumstances, result in both fetal and maternal death.

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy’s hallmarks are muscle spasms, weakness, and a lack of motor skill development. Cerebral palsy is incurable, and those with it frequently require lifelong rehabilitation. Other lifelong impairments like learning disabilities, speech difficulties, vision problems, and hearing difficulties are also highly likely to be brought on by it. The brain may be harmed during birth, which can result in cerebral palsy. A baby may be born with cerebral palsy if the laboring parent is not appropriately monitored, the level of fetal distress increases, or incorrect birthing methods are employed.


Cephalohematoma, also known as direct under-the-cranial bone bleeding, can happen when the newborn’s skull is subjected to too much pressure during delivery. An infant who has a cephalohematoma is more likely to experience additional conditions like jaundice, anemia, meningitis, and hypotension. Ineffective delivery methods may be to blame for this.

Caput Succedaneum

When the scalp swells due to pressure on the top of the head during delivery, it is known as caput succedaneum. The scalp, or areas of it, will frequently look bruised or discolored. This condition usually resolves on its own and is not dangerous. However, if it results from neglect, it might still be regarded as a birth injury. Asking a lawyer who has a lot of experience with birth injury lawsuits can help you determine whether or not you have a solid case.

Perinatal Asphyxia

Perinatal asphyxia occurs when the baby’s blood lacks enough oxygen or when there is not enough blood flow during delivery. Labored breathing, a pale complexion, shock, seizures, or comas are indications of prenatal asphyxia. These signs and symptoms may result in long-term disability and can be tragic for newborns, and the parents of newborns as well.


When a blood vessel ruptures, it causes extreme bleeding, which is known as hemorrhaging. A baby may experience an intracranial or subarachnoid hemorrhage if pressure applied during labor causes bleeding in the infant’s skull. If these aren’t fixed right away, they could result in major problems.

Broken Bones

During labor, bone injuries are relatively unusual. A fractured coccyx or a detached pubic symphysis can affect both parents and newborns. When the baby’s head pushes a space between the pelvic girdle’s bones, the pubic symphysis separates. The healing process usually takes two to eight months. Pressure during delivery can fracture the coccyx, which results in chronic pain following delivery.

Getting Help is Key

Before, during, and after giving delivery, a mother has great faith in the medical staff. The child may sustain severe harm if a medical worker is careless during this important moment. To determine their options for taking legal action against the person or healthcare facility they believe to be at fault, the parents of children wounded as a result of medical malpractice should speak with an expert attorney.