Purchase Event Packs for Gaiden in Apex Legends

Purchase Event Packs for Gaiden in Apex Legends: If you want to finish the whole collection and get Bangalore’s Prestige skin, “Apex Commander,” for Apex Legends, the Gaiden Event packs are the best method to ensure that you get a non-duplicate event item.

You probably want to try to get as many of these packs as you can, as is typical with Apex Legends’ limited-time events, to reduce the number of regular Apex Packs or to craft Metals you’ll need to complete your cosmetic collection when the event has ended.

Purchase Event Packs for Gaiden in Apex Legends

The Gaiden Event, which takes place from July 19 to August 2, 2022, offers Gaiden Event packets for a brief period.

Assuming that the Gaiden Event packs cost the same as past events like the Awakening event packs and Fight Night packs, the packages will sell for 700 Apex Coins.

The cheapest Apex Coins may acquired for $10 for 1,000 of them. However, they are available in a range of prices and denominations.

What Comes with Event Packs for Gaiden?

Suppose you’ve already unlocked a lot of the Gaiden Event items. In that case, these packs are a terrific way to finish your collection since they guarantee you one non-duplicate item and two other random event things. Keep in mind that you may also make them with crafting metals.

It’s important to note that after two seasons, the cost of creating Gaiden cosmetic items may decrease and that when the event finishes on August 2. The goods will be available in ordinary Apex Packs.

The event tab in-game allows you to preview and examine all of the new goods.

You now have all the information you want on how to get Gaiden Event packs in Apex Legends. Check out the links below for further advice on the game, including details on a forthcoming tournament.