Tokyo Game Show to webcast Street Fighter 6’s “special program”: About a month from now comes Tokyo Game Show, and Capcom will attend the event as it has done for many years. This time, though, it will be conducting a Livestream just for Street Fighter 6. So we can almost certainly expect to learn anything new.
The Street Fighter 6 Special Program will run on Friday, September 16 at 11 AM ET / 8 AM PT, as specified on Capcom’s Tokyo Game Show schedule page. Although the stream’s contents are unknown, it is simple to speculate about what we could observe.
The Tokyo Game Show is an excellent venue for character debuts. Juri and Kimberly, two newcomers, recently shown at EVO 2022. Unfortunately, there is still no apparent response to whether Fei Long will appear in Street Fighter 6.
The series’s first installment, Street Fighter 6, will have built-in commentary during bouts. At EVO, more English-speaking commentators also announced. Tokyo Game Show would be a logical place to introduce more Japanese speakers.
There is just one on the roster right now.
Furthermore, the TGS presentation can include a release date.
Currently, all we know about it is that it will release sometime in 2023 for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. The Xbox release is noteworthy since it has been more than ten years since a new Street Fighter game was released on that system.
Crossplay between those three platforms will also include in Street Fighter 6.
Capcom will webcast a general showcase first, followed by the Street Fighter-specific stream.
It will happen on September 15 at 10 AM ET/7 AM PT. Additionally, the website includes photos of the newly released Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak and upcoming games Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection and Exoprimal.
However, we are unsure precisely what the broadcast will include. These will also be available for play on the TGS show floor.