YBA Skins Value Tier List

YBA Skins Value Tier List August 2022: It is a fact that the Bizarre Adventure game has many Stands skins, each of different sizes. 

Certain skins can be acquired quickly, while others aren’t so easy. The game is a classic of Stands, from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series. 

However, not all skins for Stands are considered equally. Therefore, let’s review the YBA (Your Bizarre Adventure) Skins Value Tier List based on the list created by Paragon.

Roblox YBA (Your Bizarre Adventure) Skins Value Tier List August 2022

Before we go to the top of this list, it is based on the rareness and difficulty of acquiring the skin. 

If you own a Stand with the skin at a lower or higher level, it is easy to determine the rarity of the Stand skin.

 There are skins in this list with similar values to find them in the same line in the new line.

 For instance, Ghost World and Jack O’ Platinum share identical rarity. So without further delay, let’s dive deep into this listing.

YBA Skins Tier List August 2022


  • Horseman of Heaven, Devil’s Moon, Festive Platinum


  • Candysnake, Jack O’ Platinum/Ghost World, Tyrant Crimson/Nexus Crimson, Festive World/Sumo World/Sumo Platinum/King Peppermint, TWAU: Over Heaven, Spirit Bomb Sword, Frost Bite, Cursed Aero Platinum, and Elf Pistol/Tākoizu Dragon


Horseman of Heaven
Devil’s Moon
Festive Platinum

Your Bizarre Adventure Tier List A

Stand Type Abilities
Star Platinum Close Range Time Stop, Extreme Precision, Brute Strength
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap: Love Train Close Range
Evolve Range
Dimensional Travel and Misfortune Redirection
Crazy Diamond Close Range Restoration, Speed, Immense Strength
C-Moon  – Gravity Manipulation, Slight Time Stop movement, Weak Time Acceleration (Not in the game), Short-Ranged Gravity Shifting, Surface Inversion Fist
Star Platinum: The World Close Range Time Stop
King Crimson Requiem Close Range Time Skipping/Erasure
Future Predictions
Dimension Shifting
Hierophant Green  –  –
King Crimson Close Range Time Skipping/Erasure
Future Predictions
Silver Chariot Close Range Fencing, increasing speed, Immense Power, Armor On/Off, Precision

Your Bizarre Adventure Stand Tier List B

Stand Type Abilities
The Hand Close Range Erasing objects from existence, Erasing Space
Tusk Act 4 Close Range
Long Range
Nails, Infinite Rotation, Tea Time, Wormhole Uppercut
Six Pistols  –  –
Cream  –  –
Killer Queen: Bites the Dust Close Range
Time Reversal, Bomb Transmutation, Bomb Projectiles

YBA Skins Value Tier List – C

The World
Star Platinum
Red Hot Chili Pepper
Crazy Diamond
King Crimson
Killer Queen
Gold Experience

This is the YBA (Your Bizarre Adventure) Skins Value Tier list. If you are a fan of this game, then look at the stand-up YBA Tiers List.