FOB Hotel located in Halo Infinite

FOB Hotel located in Halo Infinite: FOBs, also known as forwarding Operating Bases, are vital to Halo Infinite. 

They are essential since they function as speedy transport locations. Apart from being quick travel spots, they also provide Valor and access to unlocked weapons and vehicles and allow you to make calls to cars.

 One of the most practical advantages of having a FOB it lets you make use of Marine enforcers in battles. 

Today’s discussion isn’t about the benefits of FOBs. However, it’s about getting to the FOB Hotel, an essential FOB in Halo Infinite.

 So this guide will take a look at how you can get into The FOB Hotel and how to capture this within Halo Infinite.

Although the game might be open to the world, it’s limited. However, you will be able to visit the FOB Hotel after completing your Spire mission.

 It is the seventh level within the game. When you complete the mission, you can steal the Banshee or Wasp or a Wasp and then take a flight to the FOB.

Check out precisely where FOB Hotel is present in the above image. The location is in the FOB Hotel is marked in an orange circle. 

We are grateful to Map Genie for their interactive map of Halo Infinite. You can locate high-value targets Skull, Spartan Cores, and many other things in Map Genie. 

It also lets you create custom locations, keep track of your collections, and more.

Once you are at the FOB, begin a surprise assault on the banished to take the base.

This guide will give you a complete overview of reaching FOB Hotel located in Halo Infinite. FOB Hotel and then capture the experience for Halo Infinite.